Friday, 9 February 2018

IT- Trailer Analysis

IT, the mini tv series from 1990, based on the book by Stephen King, has been re-made into a 21s centry blockbuster film. Here I am going to breakdown the trailer and tell you why it is so effective. Personally when I saw the trailer I was very excited, the mix between the memorable scenes from the old mini series, to the characters and the actors chosen to play said characters.

The opening scene only lasts a few secconds but yet instantly makes an impact to the people who have either read the book or watched the previous 'IT'. The scene consists of close-up shots of Bill making the boat for Georgie. This makes an impact because people will remember the famous gutter scene. Instantly when a viewer sees this scene they are reminded of the film and how scary the previous was.

Next it shows Georgie going close up to the gutter and IT jumps up in "jump scare" way. This is effective at showing the audience that they are in for a lot of scares.

It then cuts to a title card. This tells the audience that it is from a book Stephen King wrote. Stephen King is a famous writer known for his work in the Horror and suspense also writing books which have turned into horror films such as Carrie and The Shinning.

Straight after you get introduced to the main case. This is such a well constructed shot wide angle shot.

Next it cuts to scenese of the kids and the school in the town. A narrator who is a child is talking about how people are dissapearing 6 times the national average. This above is a very well thought out and constructed shot. It shows  a missing poster, however if you look closely there are bits of peper to the left. This is from a previous poster of a missing sign which connotes recent dissapearances. Added to that all the nails in the pole tells the audience that there has been many missing posters before this.

This is a typical setting for a horror film, a "haunted house". In this case it's a burned down house but it still has a very eerie vibe.

The use of the child taking the inhaler is not only comedic in a way but it connotes a disturbance has happened.

After this it goes into more compilation scenes with the title cards which read "What are you afraid of?" This adds to the trailer as there is non-diegetic sound of creepy laughing. This overall adds to the tone of the trailer making it very scary.

It finishes with a jump-scare which is to scare the audience and give them a taster of what film they would be going to watch. If it scared the audience this could be a good thing and a bad thing. It could scare the viewer from watching the full film, or it could make them want to watch it more as it could be argued that most modern films are not very scary.

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