Friday, 26 January 2018

Film Poster analysis #2 Pulp Fiction

If you asked anyone if they knew what the film Pulp Fiction was, most likely they would. This is one of the worlds most popular films but how? Their poster, which I am going to be analysisng in depth now, is a well recognised piece of art which is sometimes even put on peoples walls as art.

First thing I can take from my first glance at this poster is that it is in a comic book style. This may be appealing to people who at the time read them and was instantly hooked by the image. You can tell this by the 'comic title' and the '10c' icon.

Seccondly above the title is "Winner best picture- 1994 cannes film festival). The Cannes film festival is a huge film festival where film buffs from all over the world meet to watch "art house films" and new releases or ideas. The fact that it says they won best picture will interest film buffs, consequently drawing them to watching the film.

Next there is a huge list of actors going down the left side. Instantly the names John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson, Uma Thurman and Bruce Willis catch my attention. Big stars at the time would attract fans to watching their film.

Underneath the pulp fiction text it says "a Quentin Tarantino film". With Quentin Tarantino's reputation for making amazing films, this could be a reason alone for people to watch the film.

Overall this poster is eye catching. With its colours that pop-out and all the stars and the director included, it makes for a great film poster.

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